I recently asked someone about the pictures behind her in a Zoom call, and heard a fascinating backstory.
As nobody has ever asked me why I have a Casablanca poster on my wall behind me, I thought I'd tell you anyway.
However, there is a deeper reason. When I left the Pru in 1987, it was my ambition to write for a living. I thought I'd do some freelance training to support myself while I got established. I wrote several radio plays, all rejected by the BBC, and then a TV script which I submitted for the Radio Times drama awards. I gotr a very warm letter back, saying I had been a near finalist, and that the BBC would be very interested to see any future work. And for some reason, that was the last script I submitted to the BBC. In the meantime, the freelance work took off, and I have been doing that successfully ever since.
Somewhere in that time I attended Bob McKee's Screenwriting Workshop.
It was excellent and I learned a great deal. And the final day of it was a screening of Casablanca, broken down scene-by-scene with a commentary by Bob.
So the poster is in part honouring that aspect of my identity as a writer. You will of course be familiar with my Shifting Stories, and are currently reading my blog post, which is a major outlet of my writing talent; and I have written a number of things for clients, including a Teambuilding Manual and copious training materials and handouts, as well as a few articles for professional journals, such as Personnel Management. I am even cited as a co-author of an academic paper (though in truth that is more a courtesy than an accurate designation). I believe I write well.
But beyond that, I still have an aspiration to write creatively, and it is that aspiration that my poster serves to remind me about.