I also read a large number of really helpful books, and have bought many more to keep me stimulated an learning, as well as attended a number of very valuable cpd events with Cumbria Coaching Network and the EMCC.
On the professional front, it has been gratifying to see a number of my coaching clients achieve great things, survive tough times, inspire others... and many of the training events and awaydays I have facilitated have elicited similar feedback. Moreover, the client base is growing, and the diary for 2017 is already very strong indeed.
On the domestic front, we had a lovely holiday with our Outlaws (our daughter's husband's parents) sailing around Corfu on a catamaran; as well as a lovely family holiday in Scotland. And of course the major event of the year was the birth of our first grandson, James, who is with us for Christmas and the New Year.
And I notice that it is almost exactly a year since someone pointed out Charity Miles to me. I thought I might raise $250 for Charity Water over the year, just by my normal walking and running habits. In fact it has been more than $300, which is very satisfying. I started doing Donate a Photo more recently, but have contributed $190 worth of photos to Operation Smile. We have also developed substantial Kiva portfolios for the children; giving them Kiva vouchers as presents at Christmas etc. (If you don't know about Kiva, take a look - a fabulous scheme to help those in the developing world with micro-loans: encouraging agency, respecting dignity...)
All in all, despite the turmoil in the larger world, a positive year for us here...
So may I take this opportunity to wish all my clients, collaborators, colleagues and friends every blessing for a happy and successful 2017.